Though the Co-Pro group have taken the lead of advising MacIntyre how to do co-production well, there are many other opportunities for people with disabilities across MacIntyre to speak up and make their voices heard.
Co-produced training – i4T
I4T have been delivering training to groups of professionals on a wide variety of subjects from health care to wellbeing, to online safety. The group also produce training materials. Based in Derbyshire, the group offers training locally but shares resources nationally.
Improving communication – MacIntyre Checkers
MacIntyre Checkers are a group of people who are employed by MacIntyre to produce and check Easy Read materials. Group members are also supported by MacIntyre which means their real life experience gives them an invaluable perspective on how we communicate with people that we support.
Shout Out Group
Shout out TV is a project led by a group of people we support in Milton Keynes. The group identify issues of concern for the people we support and produce films and songs on these topics.
The Mag
The Mag’s purpose is summed up by its strapline “A Magazine for and by people who use MacIntyre’s services”. Running for 19 years now, the publication is edited by a group of people supported by MacIntyre in Milton Keynes. It is published quarterly and features articles submitted by people who are supported across the country – stories of what matters to them, important celebrations, relationships and hobbies.