About us
MacIntyre was established in 1966 by Kenneth Newton Wright, the parent of a disabled child. MacIntyre has grown to become a leading national charity shaping inclusive and welcoming neighbourhoods where people with learning disabilities and autistic people are able to contribute, connect and lead gloriously ordinary lives.
We provide learning, support and care for more than 1,400 children, young people and adults who have a learning disability and/or autism across England and Wales.
Our Vision
Our vision is for all people with a learning disability and/or autism to live a life that makes sense to them.
Our Purpose
People who draw on MacIntyre’s support have gloriously ordinary lives, living the life they choose, using their gifts, skills and passions to contribute and connect to the people in their local neighbourhood. MacIntyre invests in, and helps shape, neighbourhoods to be inclusive and welcoming spaces for everyone.
Our Values
Our values are described in the MacIntyre DNA which is shaped by the visionary belief of our founder of the “learning potential of people with learning disabilities, their value as individuals, their right to equality and their importance to society”.
In this Sui-Ling Show Special you will see Sui-Ling talking to Sarah Burslem, MacIntyre’s Chief Executive Officer and hear them talk about MacIntyre’s purpose; what our DNA means to everyone in MacIntyre and their shared vision for true equality.
Sui-Ling is a MacIntyre employee who also draws on MacIntyre’s support. Sui-Ling created the Sui-Ling Show in 2020 and has interviewed some really interesting people since that time. You can catch up on all the Sui-Ling Shows here.

Our values are defined in the MacIntyre DNA which was refreshed in 2022, but is shaped by our founder Ken Newton Wright’s visionary belief in “the learning potential of people with learning disabilities, their value as individuals, their right to equality and their importance to society”.
The Big Plan
In order for us to achieve the elements of our DNA, it is essential that the people who draw on support, their families and our staff work together in ways where everyone is valued for the contributions they make, are true equals, and their voices are heard. This ambition means people having control and a voice within MacIntyre where there are transformational changes in power and control where people who draw on our support are actively involved including in all levels of decision-making.
This strategy, known as “The Big Plan” aims to ensure that true co-production (working together) is possible and is a reality across the organisation and beyond in the neighbourhoods where people live.
The four key aims of The Big Plan are:
- For everyone in MacIntyre to understand fully what co-production - Working Together - is
- To increase the number of people working alongside people in their neighbourhoods on co-produced projects and to build on the work of Great Communities.
- To achieve our commitment that all meetings are accessible to everyone taking part.
- For all reviews to be person centred and facilitated or co-facilitated by a trained facilitator using a format of the person’s choosing.

Have a watch to see how we created The Big Plan
More about Our Approach
You can read more about our DNA and our Values in practice in the Our Approach section of this website.