MacIntyre Directors

Photo of Sarah Burslem
Sarah Burslem
Photo of Claire Toombs
Claire Toombs
Finance Director
Photo of Seb Moh
Sebastian Moh
Quality & People Director
Photo of Andrea Parr
Andrea Parr
Adult Services Director
Photo of Laura Selby
Laura Selby
Adult Services Director

The team of Directors at MacIntyre are responsible for the day-to-day management of the organisation.

Our Chief Executive, Sarah Burslem, is directly accountable to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and reports to the Trustees through their board meetings.

MacIntyre Trustees

Neil Macmillan
Neil Macmillan
Ranjit Bhose KC
Adam Goldstein
Adam Goldstein

Rosemary Hart
Rosemary Hart

Pam Meek
Pam Meek

Ruth Smyth
Duncan Strachan
Duncan Strachan
Rachel Taylor
Rachel Taylor
Martin Zahra
Martin Zahra


Many of our Trustees have a strong connection with MacIntyre, either through having relatives supported by us or as parents of disabled children and adults themselves. 

Role of Trustees

Generously giving their time and specialist skills, our Trustees contribute expertise in medical, legal, finance, education, risk management, property, sales & marketing, HR and general management.

Additionally, they are responsible for ensuring we remain focussed on relentlessly meeting service levels, maintaining the quality of our people and values, managing resources, mitigating risk and operating within our financial limits.

Our Trustees work to ensure that our financial position and ability to meet our charitable objectives and commitments is not compromised.

Trustee Business

The Trustees meet 6 times per year where the Directors report on their operational and financial activities within the organisation. Twice yearly the board meetings are extended to review strategy and operational performance in more detail.

The Trustees also provide scrutiny, guidance and expertise through the Audit, Risk and Safeguarding, Education, Governance Review, Nominations, Property and Remuneration and Wellbeing sub committees. Full details of these sub committees can be found in our Chairman’s report in our annual report and accounts.

Trustee Board Committees

Important review responsibilities are delegated to the following Board committees.

Audit, Risk & Safeguarding

Finance, audit, risk and health & safety matters, including safeguarding. Chaired by Rachel Taylor and includes Trustees Rosemary Hart and Duncan Strachan.


MacIntyre’s education services: strategy, collaboration between MacIntyre Care and MacIntyre Academies Trust, legislative and regulatory oversight. Chaired by Adam Goldstein and includes Trustees Neil Macmillan, and Pam Meek.


Strategy and development plans around technology, digital and the use of social media in our marketing. Chaired by Martin Zahra and including Trustees Adam Goldstein.


Governance processes and procedures. Chaired by Rosemary Hart and including Trustees Pam Meek, and Martin Zahra.


Recruitment, selection and appointment of directors and nomination and appointment of Trustees. Includes Trustees Rosemary Hart and Rachel Taylor.

Remuneration & Wellbeing

Director reward, staff reward levels and workforce related matters. Chaired by Duncan Strachan and includes Trustee Ruth Smyth.