We provide learning, support and care for more than 1,400 children, young people and adults who have a learning disability and / or are autistic.
People who draw on MacIntyre’s support have gloriously ordinary lives, living the life they choose, using their gifts, skills and passions to contribute and connect to the people in their local neighbourhood. MacIntyre invests in, and helps shape, neighbourhoods to be inclusive and welcoming spaces for everyone.
MacIntyre has been providing a range of integrated services for children and young people since we opened our first school in 1966.
We work in partnership with Further Education and Independent Specialist colleges to provide an inclusive and flexible model of education for young people.
MacIntyre offers a range of support for adults in England and Wales. In Warrington we also deliver an innovative community programme and Shared Lives.
There are a number of reasons for you to get in touch with us. Whatever your query, we’ll help you to find the right person.
In which installing a nail bar helps Alice get healthier and more connected
In this episode Sui-Ling speaks to Dementia specialist Beth Britton about the work happening across MacIntyre on to support families and people living…
Thanks to everyone who supports people to live better lives by taking part in the MacIntyre lottery.
We're delighted to share the news of Molly and Amy* as they move out from MacIntyre School and into their own home for the first time. (*Not their real…
Drop in for tea, coffee, cake and conversation. Everyone is welcome
The theme for the September event will be The 1970s
Make new friends while enjoying a hot drink and a piece of cake
Join us in Wigan for cake and a brew, to find out more about what we do.