Ciaran, a young man supported by MacIntyre, has launched an ‘Autism Friendly Film Club’ in Warrington as part of MacIntyre’s Great Communities Project.
In 2017, we launched ‘The Great Communities’ Project in Warrington, with the aim to encourage local communities to become more inclusive of those with learning disabilities and discover the hidden talents of these individuals.
Ciaran, a young man who is supported by MacIntyre wanted to create space for people with autism in the community. Combining his love of film and the support of the Great Communities Manager Peter Connor, the film club launched on January 31 with The Golden Compass.
Reflecting on the evening, Ciaran said:
“I thought it was a success as we had a great turnout and I’m glad the people really enjoyed themselves.”
Nicole, a member of the Film Club said:
“I thought it was great as Ciaran organised the night well. There were great refreshments and it was good to watch a film and talk about it after, with new friend’s and also catching up with old friends too.”
The launch of the club was supported by David Appleton from the Co-Op in Warrington, who kindly donated refreshments and popcorn for the club to enjoy.
Peter Connor, MacIntyre’s Great Communities Manager said:
“It was great to see people of all ages in the community coming to watch a film in a welcoming local facility. It was also fantastic to see Ciaran take the lead on the project and use his passion, drive and ideas to organise and host the event as it can be daunting standing in front of a group, but Ciaran was a natural. It’s also great to see him develop his skills as he has learnt to set up the audio visual equipment.”
Peter added:
“It’s also really fantastic that the film club has been supported by David Appleton, the manager of our local Co-op, who provided the popcorn for the group to enjoy. Last night was really what Great Communities is all about.”