Introducing our Virtual Memory Café

21 January 2021

On Friday 29 January we will be taking our much-loved MacIntyre Memory Cafe online for the first time, welcoming people across the country to join us.

For over four years our MacIntyre Memory Cafés have been a safe space for people living with dementia and their families to interact with their local community, engage in activities and enjoy guest performances with a hot drink and a slice of cake.

Last year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, our monthly Memory Cafes in Milton Keynes, Warrington and Derbyshire were forced to close their doors temporarily. Now we are thrilled to be able to continue to offer essential support for people with dementia and their families online.

For full details and to register for the National Virtual Memory Cafe, please see the event page

Feature photo by XPS on Unsplash, where artists offer their work for free which allows non-profits to minimise the costs of stock photography.