From Monday 30 July, MacIntyre’s Health Team will be sharing vital resources to celebrate the launch of the MacIntyre Health Twitter account.
Sarah Ormston, MacIntyre’s Specialist Health Advisor and Dementia Project Manager said:
“Today is a really exciting day for the Health Team as we are officially launching our @HealthLD Twitter account. We work really hard as a team, and believe the resources we create should be shared and available for all. Therefore we created our new Twitter account to begin sharing excellent practice. Each day this week, we will be sharing a resource all around health.”
She added:
The first resource is a Health Screening Poster. It is really important that we support and encourage all people to attend screenings, and sadly we know that many people with a learning disability do not attend screenings compared to the general population. We hope that by creating this poster, we will raise awareness and encourage staff, families and carers to have these important conversations with the person. If screenings are regularly attended, we can find conditions much sooner and therefore early diagnosis can be given and support put in place to help the person live a longer, fuller life."
To join the conversation and have access to regular updates from the MacIntyre Health Team, follow @HealthLD today.