Another chance to attend the hugely successful ARC England online virtual training workshops run in association with MacIntyre’s Dying To Talk team and featuring Expert by Experience Jess Hiles.

  • How do I talk about loss and bereavement with a person I support who has a learning disability?
  • How do I support a person with a learning disability experiencing loss?
  • How do I cope with a death in my service as a staff member?
  • How do I work best with families when their relative has died?

Your facilitators

Join Expert by Experience Jess Hiles, MacIntyre’s Best Practice Manager Nicola Payne and Freelance Consultant and Trainer Beth Britton for an interactive workshop looking at how to support a person with a learning disability who has/is experiencing loss and bereavement, and how to support staff teams when a person they support has died.

Beth Britton
Jess Hiles
Nicola Payne

Throughout 2021-2022 MacIntyre ran an innovative project called Dying to Talk, and have built up a wealth of experience in talking about and understanding death, dying and bereavement. 

This training in collaboration with ARC England has been co-designed by Jess, Nicola and Beth to be informative, thought-provoking and practical to leave learners with tips and advice to implement within their services.

Fantastic to learn from someone with lived experience. Brought the themes alive by hearing from someone with expert by experience knowledge. Gave greater authenticity and integrity to the training.

Feedback from a previous session

Who is it for?

This training would suit staff who have experienced a death within their service and are looking for information on how best to support peers, friends and family members, as well as how to cope as a staff team. You may also want to attend if you want to prepare for coping with loss and bereavement in the future.

It will be suitable for frontline staff, managers and team leaders, and provide opportunities to share your experiences as well as learning from the training team and other attendees. The training team are mindful that this is a sensitive subject, and will provide pastoral care to anyone who feels distressed during the workshop.

Brief outline of content

  • The hows and whys of breaking bad news
  • Real-world experiences of loss
  • Emotions and different types of loss
  • Coping mechanisms and support ideas
  • Stages of grief and grieving in different ways
  • Working with healthcare professionals and families
  • How staff might experience bereavement when a person in their service dies
  • Supporting staff with personal bereavement
  • Resources to help

I often struggle with training on zoom as I quickly become disengaged. Today however, I found myself engrossed for the entire session. The activities, changes in speakers and regular breaks maintained the energy level and interest throughout. Fabulous course, and so needed!

Feedback from a previous session

Expected learning outcomes

  • To know why we should talk to people with a learning disability about loss and bereavement.
  • To understand the many different examples of ‘loss’.
  • To have practical skills to support a person with a learning disability with their loss.
  • To have an awareness of grief cycles.
  • To feel confident working with other professionals.
  • To feel confident working with families who are bereaved.
  • To be able to support colleagues and teams through bereavement.

On completion of our workshop evaluation form we will be happy to issue attendees with a Certificate of Attendance.


  • £79 (ARC Members)
  • £100 (Non-members)

I found it really helpful to hear first hand of the emotional impact of grief on the individuals we support, how this may be communicated differently, and the impact of not telling somebody when someone has died.

I also feel that sharing good examples and bad examples of real deaths, shows professionals really true examples of how we can support people well at the end of their lives, and how if not done correctly this could be really traumatic for everybody involved.

Feedback from a previous session

How to book your place

Please complete the registration through ARC England website.

Book now