The reason we have created MacIntyre’s Family Podcast is that we wanted to reach out in a different way to families and extended families who don’t walk through our doors often and can miss out on hearing stories and news.

I thought this was a creative way of doing this and something that doesn’t disappear and can be revisited at any time.

I am so excited for the first release and the next episodes we have planned. We will be chatting to lots of different people from families, social care professionals and people we support. So do tune in when you can.

If you know of a person or a story you would like to share then don’t hesitate in getting in touch with me."

You can listen to the first episode below. The full list of episodes will be available through

Lockdown Diaries

We hope that collecting lockdown stories will help people to deal with difficult emotions through sharing, and that in the future it will be an important document of how we dealt with the lockdown.

View the Lockdown Diaries Gallery