Recently, our Health, Dementia and Wellbeing Manager Sarah Ormston was featured within the latest Royal College of Psychiatrists MSNAP newsletter, sharing why the time to take action on dementia and learning disability is now.
In the latest newsletter, Sarah spoke about why an early diagnosis of #dementia for someone with a #learningdisability can make such a difference:
"Many people still ask why receiving a timely diagnosis is important. Some people say that receiving a diagnosis of dementia won’t help a person and that there is a limited understanding of what can be done once a diagnosis has been given. These are myths, as in fact receiving a timely diagnosis can and does make a difference to someone with a learning disability and dementia. Having a diagnosis means that plans can be put in place; it means if the diagnosis is given early enough, that a person may still be in a position to make their own, informed choices about important aspects of their life."
You can read the full article on the Royal College of Psychiatrists website: