Every penny raised during this Challenge will be used to develop family support sessions, workshops and co-produced resources to help families feel more equipped, empowered and better connected. The sessions and workshops are intended to reduce isolation by creating peer support networks and providing a safe space for discussions. Donations will be matched by during the week’s campaign - one donation, twice the impact. 

Alaina Cornish, Marketing and Fundraising Manager at MacIntyre:

MacIntyre was founded by families and continues to have the needs of families at the heart of our approach. This year we’re looking to raise a total of £3,400. We have already secured £1,700 in pledges and now need to raise £1,700 in online donations during the Christmas Challenge Week to support our work with families – and we’d love your support.

How can you get involved?

  • Donate online from 12 noon on Tuesday 30 November to 12 noon on Tuesday 7 December
  • Donations can be any amount from £5
  • Set a reminder and add our campaign page https://bit.ly/3qNBW7M to it so you remember not to miss your chance to double your donation! 
  • Follow and share our posts on social media: Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn
  • Tell your friends, family and colleagues

The Big Give Challenge is an exciting opportunity for people to double their donations to the causes they care about most.