MacIntyre work with siblings of all ages who have a brother or sister with a learning disability and/or autism recognising the importance of the sibling’s role, and offering relevant support. We want all people who draw on our support to thrive and live a life that makes sense to them.

Sandra, sister to Alison reflects on her experience of MacIntyre support:

“Alison lived with MacIntyre for about 35 years. She was one of the first people to move into a residential service in Milton Keynes. Alison developed dementia when she was in her early 40’sand died when she was 53 in 2017.”

Sandra said that Alison, along with herself and other family members, were very well supported by MacIntyre throughout Alison’s life. Even when the local authority wanted to move Alison to an older people’s nursing home after she was diagnosed with dementia, MacIntyre staff and Alison’s family felt that “This is Alison’s home, this is where she should be.”. Alison was supported to remain in her home until she died.

The Families team here at MacIntyre want to continue supporting siblings and give them a voice but to do this we need your help. Please donate to the Big Give Christmas Challenge. Remember anything you give this week will be doubled!