We have some fantastic employees at MacIntyre and every month one person from each division is chosen to be our Employee of the Month.
Below are the names of the winners in the categories of MacIntyre Adult Services, Children and Young People, MacIntyre No Limits™, and Specialist Support Services, together with an extract from their nominations.
April Hobden - Adult Services, Bedfordshire
April returned from maternity leave in February and has got straight back into work mode. Her passion for work and the people who draw on our support is commendable. April always wants the best for everyone, she is very supportive of her team and works hard to ensure deadlines are always met. April has taken a real interest in the autism specialist group and has had a positive focus on encouraging one of the people we support to attend and be a part of the group. For Autism Awareness Week, she organised a cake baking competition - this was very much made inclusive to all and enjoyed by everyone who took part.
Stephanie Knight: Children and Young People, Wingrave
Steph has organised some excellent, person centred activities for the young people over the Easter holidays. She has clearly given careful thought to what each individual person might like to do and given them the opportunity to express what their chosen activities would be. One of the young people was very excited to tell me he would be going to the trampoline park, out for lunch (he had chosen where he wanted to go) and then shopping for some items for his home. Another young person went to the local deer park. There were at home activities - baking, go karts in the courtyard, arts and crafts to name just three. There was something for everyone during the Easter holidays. What I found heart-warming was that when Steph was telling me about these activities she sounded excited, she was looking forward to the holidays and she included the young man she was supporting at the time in the conversation. It was joyful to see him looking forward to his activities and talking about what he would wear. Steph was delighted to be working during the holidays and keen to ensure the young people will be occupied in a way which is pleasurable and fulfilling for them.
Majlinda Krenzi: No Limits, Buckinghamshire
Majlinda is easy to talk to, helpful and understanding.
Hayley Collins: Specialist Support Services
In her role as Community Coordinator, Hayley has consistently displayed exceptional dedication, professionalism, and a genuine commitment to ensuring people with learning disabilities are living lives that make sense to them. Hayley is a wonderful person who is able to talk to, and more crucially, connect with - anyone. She is open and friendly, and her excellent interpersonal skills have allowed her to form great relationships with the people we support (ask her sometime about her night out at Groovy Gecko!), our staff team, and external stakeholders. Her ability to connect with people enhances the quality of our work as the Recruitment team, and also contributes to a positive work environment where she is very much respected and held in high regard.