Climbing to Everest

The Morrissey-O’Keefe family took part in ‘Move with MacIntyre’ by pledging to climb Mount Everest, using just their stairs at home. Taking on 3871 flights of stairs is tough, but they were certainly up for the challenge.

Team Smarta

Our Corporate Partners Smarta Healthcare challenged themselves to take on 4 million steps, with two staff members cycling for 30 hours, between 17 May 2020 to 17 June 2020 to raise money for Move with MacIntyre. With over 3 million steps taken so far and over £400 raised, all we can say is....Go Team Smarta!

Iain’s Olympic 10

Washing a car, working out and whipping up a Victoria Sponge are just a few of the challenges undertaken by Iain, a gentleman we support, who took part in 10 challenges raising a FANTASTIC £617.50 for our Move with MacIntyre campaign. 

5000 jumps for MacIntyre

Twins Jack and Freya, with the help of their mum Jess, set themselves a challenge of jumping 5000 times between them on their trampoline at home, raising £260!

Let’s dance!

We loved seeing Max, a member of our team in Birmingham, dance during her night shifts to action songs. Max’s moves raised over £300

40,000 steps in May

To raise money for the people we support, helping them keep connected to loved ones, Natalie set herself the challenge of walking 500,000 steps in the month of May, raising over £430! .

A mile a day for Bill and Ted

Jane and her Border Terrier’s Bill and Ted walked a mile a day, a total of 31 miles, to raise money for the people we support.

Matt's Challenge

Video Producer Matt from Storm Videos asked his followers to set him a challenge a day for a week to raise money for the people we support, which resulted in Matt taking on an online ballet class, 'swimming' in his garden under a hose pipe, to a 10K run. Well done Matt!

Thank you!

Thank you to our fabulous fundraisers who have supported our Move with MacIntyre campaign during this challenging time. We are so grateful for your continued support and kindness. All of the money you have raised will go directly towards the people we support.

You can still donate on our Virgin Money Giving page.

Lockdown Diaries

We hope that collecting lockdown stories will help people to deal with difficult emotions through sharing, and that in the future it will be an important document of how we dealt with the lockdown.

View the Lockdown Diaries Gallery