To mark the beginning of Intensive Interaction Week 2019, we are sharing a blog written by Debbie, a member of staff at MacIntyre School.
Intensive Interaction is an approach to interacting with and teaching early communication and interaction skills to people who do not find it easy communicating or being social. It aims to teach the basic ‘Fundamentals of Communication’ such as turn-taking, sharing personal space, using and understanding eye contact, facial expressions and physical contact, as well as helping develop the person's social ability, cognitive abilities and emotional wellbeing.
Becoming a ‘Competent Practitioner’ in Intensive Interaction in MacIntyre requires staff to develop their skills in teaching the fundamentals of communication, where the children, young people and adults involved are engaged and naturally practicing their skills. This is achieved through a variety of tutoring methods and evaluations.
Achieving my Competent Practitioner award
I began my journey to become a Competent Practitioner back in February of this year. Kate, our Intensive Interaction Mentor supported and encouraged me. As I submitted my videos Kate and I watched them together and reflected on my practice. After this. I then fine-tuned my skills to move one step closing to award.
I submitted five videos in total and then I was ‘signed off’ as competent. I was delighted! My journey was not just about submitting videos, reflecting on my practice was important.
When I watched the films back I saw important things I realised I hadn’t thought enough about during the interaction. Examples include how valuable the 'available look' is and how important the holding back is. I also realise how important it is to imitate every single positive thing as a way of communicating with someone who would otherwise be isolated. My award was celebrated in the school assembly and I couldn’t be prouder!
Debbie Kellner
MacIntyre School
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