MacIntyre's Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Framework guides a pathway which always starts with building trust and rapport with the person, their family and their support team. MacIntyre’s DNA (our values in practice) is a key element of this Framework and supporting ‘in the MacIntyre way’ significantly increases wellbeing and reduces people’s need to communicate using behaviours of concern.
As you will see from this film Intensive Interaction can play a huge part of a PBS Framework. Somari was finding it very difficult to communicate and have positive social interactions and isolating herself from others. Intensive Interaction is at the core of all we do within MacIntyre and we believe this approach will be beneficial to Somari. Please watch the following film to see how our MacIntyre ‘Competent Practitioners’ in Intensive Interaction have used Intensive Interaction to support Somari to have positive and meaningful interactions leading to the ability to attend to another person, enjoying being with others and sharing her personal space this being previously very difficult for her.