As the needs of the people we support change, so does the way we support them.
For Faye* from Hampshire, her great love of horses began as a child; from the riding them, to the smell of the stables. With this in mind, staff were aware that as Faye's eyesight and hearing sadly began to deteriorate, this activity no longer was safe for Faye to take part. But knowing how much this activity meant to her, where there's a will...there's a way.
Demonstrating creativity, person-centred care and determination, staff helped Faye to still enjoy an activity she loves.
Helen, a member of staff supporting Faye shares:
"We support a lady who used to love riding her horses. Sadly due to loss of eyesight and hearing, this is no longer possible. So, we do the next best thing. We take her to the stables, where she can feel the atmosphere and experience the smells she has known and loved since she was a child."
*Names have been changed.
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