The MacIntyre Dementia Project: A Year On

31 October 2019

In October 2018 following three years, 142 resources, 183 formal training sessions, 31 external promotional events and 92 blogs, our award-winning Department of Health and Social Care funded 'MacIntyre Dementia Project' came to a close.

This, however, was just the beginning.

As the report 'Improving Dementia Support for People With a Learning Disability' states, the MacIntyre Dementia Project successfully raised awareness of learning disability and dementia by creating several resources, good practice case studies and training sessions, which resulted in:

  • More timely diagnosis' of dementia in people with a learning disability
  • Strong awareness of dementia and learning disabilities: following the project, 100% of MacIntyre staff knew what dementia was, whilst 98% of staff knew the symptoms to look out for
  • Improvement in the quality of care for people we support with dementia

In the 12 months since the project ended, we have continued to make our mark in the field of learning disability and dementia.

Emma Killick, Director of Adult Services at MacIntyre said:

"The momentum generated and the partnerships built during the course of our Department of Health Funded ''Dementia Project' has meant that in the 12 months since this ended, we have continued to build on our success. I am very proud that MacIntyre continues to be seen as the sector leading organisation in this area; sharing our skills, passion and knowledge about best practice for people with a learning disability, who have or are at risk of developing dementia."

Sarah Ormston, Health, Dementia and Wellbeing Manager said:

"We are really proud of the work undertaken; all that we continue to achieve and how we involved people supported each step of the way. We are grateful to our partnerships that continue to flourish and to everyone that has been involved in making the project such a success. 

The work continues and we are more committed than ever. We release a new resource each Friday on our website, so keep checking back. To keep up with continued successes and learning points, make sure you’re following @DementiaLD on Twitter."

The full report 'Improving Dementia Support for People With a Learning Disability: Successes and Learning from MacIntyre's Dementia Project' can be read below.