It's Awards season, and Zoey Cussons, a Manager in our Leicester services, is up for two awards at the Great British Care Awards Regional Finalists ceremony this Friday.
Here's an except from one of her nominations:
Zoey is an incredible manager: completely knowledgeable, genuinely caring of her staff teams, and so invested in pushing the services she manages towards excellence in everything they do.
Zoey has worked at MacIntyre Leicester for 27 years, her constant presence has ensured consistent encouragement and understanding for the people who draw on our support, their families and our staff teams.
Over the last year, Zoey has taken responsibility for the registration of another MacIntyre service, where there have been lots of questions around its viability. Zoey has championed the team and the gentleman who lives there, and pushed back against the bureaucracy that threatened closure. She has made sure everyone involved see the gentleman at the heart of the service, and that staff feel listened to, respected and kept informed. Her dedication has inspired the team to push to create a more homely environment for him and to truly reach for the stars with regard to his life experiences. This committed approach saw him not only take, but enjoy his first holiday away for years.
Zoey has inspired and mentored me to become a better manager, to know that kindness is the most valuable asset I can offer my teams, and that there is not much that can't be improved with dedication, hard work and a sense of humour! I feel incredibly lucky to have worked for and alongside Zoey and have learnt so much from her.
Good luck on Friday Zoey, enjoy that red carpet!