Who can have the flu vaccine?

  • frontline health and social care staff
  • people with a learning disability
  • all children aged 2 and 3 on 31 August 2021
  • all children in primary school and all children in school years 7 to 11 in secondary school
  • those aged 6 months to under 50 years in clinical risk groups
  • pregnant women
  • those aged 50 years and over
  • those with long term health conditions
  • unpaid carers
  • close contacts of immunocompromised individuals

If you are a MacIntyre employee please log in to the Intranet and refresh this page to find more information about how you can:

  • Prove your eligibility for a free flu jab
  • support people to have their flu vaccine

Flu vaccination for people with a learning disability

The effects of the flu can be incredibly dangerous for people with a learning disability, leading to an increased risk of respiratory conditions such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Respiratory problems are a major cause of death for people with learning disabilities.

If you support someone who has a learning disability please help them to make an informed decision about the flu vaccination using the NHS Easy Read information.

The flu vaccination can be administered as:

  • A nasal spray
  • An injection

The NHS have also created a short film explaining the importance of getting a flu vaccine if you have a learning disability.

How to get the flu vaccine

Contact your GP practice and ask them about the availability of free flu jabs. If your GP has availability, you should make an appointment with them.

Alternatively, you can have the flu vaccine at:

  • a pharmacy offering the service
  • your midwifery service if you're pregnant
  • a hospital appointment

For further information on the flu vaccine please visit the NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/flu-influenza-vaccine/ 

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