Every year MacIntyre takes part in the Safeguarding Adults Week organised by Ann Craft Trust. The aim is to highlight key safeguarding issues, start conversations and raise awareness of safeguarding best practice, so we can all be better together.
Each day we will explore a different key subject and offer advice on how to deal with safeguarding considerations relating to that subject.
Exploitation is the deliberate maltreatment, manipulation or abuse of power and control over another person. It is taking advantage of another person or situation usually, but not always, for personal gain.
Exploitation comes in many forms, including:
- Cuckooing
- Being controlled by a person or a group
- Forced labour
- Domestic violence and abuse
- Sexual violence and abuse
- Human trafficking
Recognising signs of harm or abuse
You might become aware that an adult is at risk of harm when:
- you see or hear something
- they tell you about abuse, exploitation or neglect happening to them
- somebody else tells you something that causes you concern
- you notice physical signs that cause you concern
- you notice the victim or abuser behaving in a way that alerts you something may be wrong