Last year, we were delighted to announce we had been chosen as the provider to support people under the Transforming Care agenda in the West Midlands.
Now, following months of dedication and hard work from our team, we are delighted to share that we are now officially providing support across Birmingham, Coventry and Warwickshire and are already making a difference.
Laura Selby, Head of Transforming Care said:
"Transforming Care for us means making a real impact in a person’s life which is away from a secure setting. We support the person to find a home within their community which is close to friends and family.”
Over the past 18- 24 months we have supported many people across the country away from secure settings. Working closely with the person, their family and relevant professionals we have ensured each transition is person-centred in every way; from the person and their family being involved in the development of the recruitment advert, to sitting on the panel and recruiting the staff team. Each person has a bespoke training programme developed to meet their every need.
Finding the right home in the right location which is close to family and the person’s local community is fundamental. Working with our trusted Housing Partners we take our time to ensure we secure the right property which will be the persons new home.
I am extremely proud of the team for all their hard work and dedication. We continue to support people who are still in secure settings and who desperately need to be discharged."
Daniel Simmonds, Area Manager for Birmingham added:
"I feel incredibly privileged to be a part of the team that have supported a young person out of an Assessment and Treatment Unit. With recent news attention on inappropriate detention of children and young people with learning disabilities and autism, it is a stark reminder of the need to act quickly to do our part supporting the work of the transforming care agenda.
This transition out of hospital was a first for the Birmingham team, and we have learnt a lot about the barriers facing those leaving hospital, but more importantly how to overcome them.
Already we have seen progress in this young person’s life, her home is beautiful, she is making contact with friends and inviting them round for a chinwag, and getting to know the staff team. This week an expedition to a local animal sanctuary is on the cards, where she hopes to start some volunteering work.
For me, this is the first of many journeys with individuals and I look forward to supporting many more from hospital, to home’
If you would like to find out more about our support in the West Midlands, please get in touch.