"Our home is Christopher’s home and he doesn't know any different. He is part of our family and has been included in every family event. He was the best man at our son’s wedding!"
For 23-year-old Christopher, 'home' is with Shared Lives Carer's Sally and John from Bedfordshire.

Since joining the family six years ago, Christopher has become an essential part of their family and is well known in the local community, with neighbours often stopping to say hello.
Whilst Christopher often experiences anxiety, Sally and John have become experts in distracting him with what he enjoys.
Sally and John said:
"He loves walking, swimming, shopping and the day centre. He worries a lot and but we are very good at distracting him."
They added:
"We have recently been given some respite for Christopher, which is lovely, but we feel very guilty when he goes away. Christopher tells us he has a good time, so this is okay. We have recently come back from a cruise with Christopher and to see him dancing to ‘Pink’ (a tribute group) with other young people was the best. It was also fantastic to watch him order his own food in the restaurant."
Shared Lives carers offer support and friendship from their own homes, to people aged 16 and upwards.
Shared Lives carers receive payment for the support they provide, some of which is tax-exempt, receive training and have ongoing support from a Shared Lives worker who will visit regularly. You could even do this on top of your existing job.
To find out more, please get in touch.