From day one, Jo and Jess' dad have been her biggest supporters every step of the way; from fighting to get Jess into special education, to the families' most recent struggle of finding a solicitor to help Jess make her own will.

Now in her 60s, Jo is turning her attention to Jess' future and what this will look like when she and Jess' dad are no longer able to be there and how MacIntyre will play a huge role.

"Finding MacIntyre was a breath of fresh air."

In an honest account, Jo opens up about being Jess' mum, her fears about the future and her wishes. She also provides insight into how MacIntyre supports Jess with her passions, such as her interest in Guide Dogs and how our team's work on death and dying has helped Jess to understand mortality and what this will mean for her.

"To have something like MacIntyre gives me peace of mind."

Celebrating Families Week - programme of events