From 16 November to 21 November, we are once again taking part in the Ann Craft Trust's annual National Safeguarding Adults Week, a week dedicated to highlighting a variety of safeguarding risk issues.
"There’s a strong link between safeguarding and mental and physical wellbeing. In short, if someone’s wellbeing is suffering, they may consider certain actions that put them at risk."
- Ann Craft Trust
Jon* has a learning disability is supported by MacIntyre in Shropshire. When John feels anxious or experiences changes in his life, he channels this into his favourite pastime: gambling. Over the past few years, our team have been working alongside Jon to identify his triggers and how best to manage them in order to keep him safe.
By developing a bond with Jon, the team began to learn his routine and discovered that this only changed when Jon was gambling. Examples include staying out late and not answering phone calls, both of which were out of character for Jon.
Jon would frequent casinos and bingo halls, racking up large debts that began to spiral out of control. At first, Jon didn't divulge when he had been gambling, but since working with the team, Jon began to confide in them, which has had a positive effect on his wellbeing. Together they began to work on strategies to help Jon manage his mental health and learn how it correlates to his addiction.
Since then, Jon has reduced his gambling dramatically and his wellbeing has improved as a result. He now opens up when he feels uncertain or overwhelmed, has paid off his debts and has even has learned to put away savings, something he is incredibly proud of.
Speaking about the steps taken, Debbie, a member of the team said:
"We have done a lot of work with him to keep him safe."
Whilst Jon's staff team are aware that his addiction will be a lifelong battle, the steps they have taken has made a huge difference to Jon's life.
*Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.