The people we support in Derbyshire proudly present their virtual garden.

Over the past few months our team in Derbyshire sent out activity packs for the people we support to enjoy at home, whilst our Lifelong Learning Centre has been closed due to COVID-19. The activity packs were packed with ideas to inspire the people we support during this challenging time, all from the safety of their own homes.
One of the activities included the creation of a virtual garden, which was constructed from artwork generated by the people we support in Derbyshire whilst in lockdown.
Speaking about the process, our team said:
"We asked our learners to help fill in the rainbow raised bed, within our Swanwick garden. We sent out templates for them to colour within our weekly activity packs, collected their completed work and then cut out and laminated each piece. Each entry was placed into the raised bed...over 100 of them!"
They added:
"We wanted to add colour to our community and make people smile!"