We sat down with Danielle Cherry to find out.
Several months ago, Danielle was promoted from a frontline manager role to the newly-created job of Transformation Manager as part of MacIntyre's Best Practice team.
MacIntyre is expanding and gaining new referrals. We wanted to ensure our frontline teams are able to draw on focused support and expertise, which this new role supplies.
Although based in Leicester, Danielle travels around the country, often working with new managers and in new locations.
Good to great
Danielle works with managers to help develop teams and best practice in supporting people. She helps teams make that transformation from good to great.
Danielle says:
It's not that I've got all the answers, I don't, but I do have experience of what works and what doesn't. And sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can help people develop their ideas and action plans.
Coaching and mentoring
Another key part of Danielle's role is mentoring new managers, providing a useful sounding board and acting as an advisor outside of someone's line management structure.
New CQC Forum
Something Danielle found while talking to teams around the organisation was an appetite for better understanding and clarity around the new CQC assessment framework introduced earlier this year.
Danielle's solution was the introduction of a new online forum across MacIntyre which meets regularly and shares best practice. This includes examples from Registered Managers on how they lead an inspection. The forum is helping build people's confidence in demonstrating the good work we do.
Making a difference
Danielle has really embraced this new role and is able to see the positive difference she is making. Staff teams in turn have someone they can rely on, bounce ideas around with, and go to for advice.