Jeff* lives in Bedfordshire, supported by MacIntyre, and he is a mad keen fan of diggers and dumper trucks.
What better for him then than a trip to Diggerland in Kent.
Earning money for the trip
A while back Jeff went on a memorable trip to Diggerland, which he's never forgotten. He decided he wanted to go again, but how to afford it?
Jeff earns tip money from part-time volunteer work at a local café, and this seemed like a great place to start. So the plan for another visit swung into place. Jeff started working more hours at the café, and saving up more and more tips.
It took quite a long time to collect all that extra tip money but in the end there was enough in his bank account and the trip was booked.
Digging all day
Jeff arranged to go to Diggerland with a support worker he'd built up an excellent connection with.
Perhaps you've never heard of Diggerland. It's somewhere you can go and drive real full size diggers and dumper trucks, and Jeff spent the whole day driving some amazing vehicles.
He had a fantastic time, laughing and smiling all day. You could say he really 'dug' it. He certainly showed a lot of 'drive' and determination.
Now Jeff's saving up for the next trip.
*Not his real name