by Kathryn Yates
One of the ideas we focus on in Everyone Everywhere is “Connect”. And we are asking our staff and people who draw on support to find one organisation in their local area they can connect with.
A few people have said they feel a bit awkward about talking to people and telling them about MacIntyre, and I thought that this story from a colleague was a lovely example of just how you can use having a chat and applying a bit of professional curiosity to find out about someone.
Casual conversation
I was looking around the local high street and I saw a new coffee shop that had recently opened. I thought this looks really nice I will go and have a chat and see what they do.
I asked to speak to the manager and it was actually the owner of the coffee shop. I said I noticed it was new and looked great and asked how long they had been open. I told them I worked for MacIntyre, about my job and that we were based up the road in Abingdon. They hadn’t heard about us at all! They were interested to hear about No Limits, our bespoke education programmes, and the work we are doing locally.
I didn’t have a reason for speaking to them other than to find out about them and tell them about MacIntyre. I told them that a few of the people who draw on our support are really social and love chatting to people.
Talking about careers
The owner said it sounded interesting and she asked about what jobs we had going. We talked about some opportunities, and she offered to put some leaflets on the window sills so people can look at them while they're having a coffee.
A successful introduction
Then she said that her friend was looking for a new job and it sounded ideal. She took our details.
Her friend was really excited about what we do and has applied for and been successful for a job with MacIntyre.
It’s great how just a friendly chat can lead to something, in this case to recruit a new team member!
Everyone Everywhere is weekly
The Everyone Everywhere stories are weekly. If you have missed one, please check them out. You can find them here. Lots of inspirational ideas for making connections!