by Kathryn Yates
We held our MacIntyre staff conferences, named Ignite, in the North and South in November. What an incredible and inspiring two days!
It was good to reflect and share as part of the day about where Everyone Everywhere had come from and how it has been led by The Big Plan, our co-produced strategy.
Mission and Ambition
We talked about the development of MacIntyre’s mission statement and our ambition to be part of neighbourhoods and how that makes a difference to us all! People who draw on our support, staff, and the community around us.
Sarah Burslem, MacIntyre's CEO, said
A gloriously ordinary life is not about people who draw on MacIntyre’s support living in a MacIntyre bubble. It’s about people feeling connected and part of the wider community.
It's a stretch
So how can we do this? By continuing to stretch! Will in the North and Jay in the South helped us to stretch our bodies. And it’s about stretching our learning too. It is about stretching into a different zone – to be confident to find out about and talk to the people and places around us. And then share that information with people who draw on support and colleagues. So many people said that they were comfortable to look at what was happening in their local community. In the coming months we'll share how people have gone away and made that happen. Because just knowing what’s out there is the first step to connecting and being part of everything.
Valuing community in 2024
So in this last Everyone Everywhere article of 2023, we're making our New Year's resolution to be more professionally curious, more knowledgeable about the areas, communities and neighbourhoods we live in. And to be ambitious for people to feel that they are valued and valuable in those communities, because that’s our DNA.