We are looking to raise a total of £45,000 to improve the environment in both houses to better meet the needs of the people living there.

The team have developed a plan of what they need to make this happen:

  • £10,000 on technology and indoor furniture: to replace sofas, chairs and dining furniture that have all seen better days with comfortable and accessible furniture that meets the needs of the people who will use it, alongside the much requested streaming site Disney+

  • £11,000 for the gardens: we would like to secure the gardens, improve privacy, purchase garden furniture, sheds, tools, a summer house and awnings to provide shade.

  • £24,000 on sensory equipment: we would like to purchase lighting, tactile and engaging resources such as a magic carpet to change the look and feel and provide therapeutic and calming spaces.

MacIntyre receive funding to cover the everyday costs of support. However, it’s the 'extras' made possible by fundraising that can enable us to enhance the quality of life for the people we support in Buckinghamshire.

Claire Kennedy, Head of Fundraising at MacIntyre said:

We'd love to inspire the Buckinghamshire community to come together and support this campaign. Individuals, business, community groups can all get involved - perhaps you could have a cake sale, take on a sponsored run, or even a head shave, or you could simply make a donation to this page. Every penny raised will make a difference.

All donations will be split equally across the two properties. However, if you would like your donation to be allocated against a specific item or home please donate and then contact us at [javascript protected email address] with details of your donation so that we can ring-fence your gift.

Support the campaign

Your donation will allow people who draw on our support in Buckinghamshire to have a home and garden which is comfortable, accessible and meets their physical and emotional needs.

Donate now