Our MacIntyre Leadership DNA is trying to overcome this barrier by helping (best) practice leaders to create a values-led, relationship-centred workplace. This was explored in blog posts 1 and 2, and a future blog post on psychological safety and shame-sensitive practice will take this learning further. We are also working hard to raise the profile and perceived importance of (best) practice leadership alongside the many competing pressures on people’s time and to ensure practice leadership is not in itself viewed as a training course (slow thinking) but is a skill that practice leaders learn on-the-job with coaching support until regularly coaching others becomes a habit.

Making a difference

So what difference does it make when we do have a good (best) practice leader working within a team? A member of our PBS and Complex Support team recently told me that

Having Louise (Deputy Manager) has made all the difference and has turned the team and support around. She never hesitates to reach out to me, she clarifies what needs to happen, runs with it and is brave enough to say when things perhaps haven't gone to plan. She is present and available, gives her team feedback and guidance on the spot and also seeks feedback for herself to make sure she and her team are on track. Our Compassion-first PBS approach is now embedded because of her leadership in a way we could never have achieved from an expectation that staff should just read and follow a written plan alone.

What an inspiration! Thank you Louise. So, if you have the chance to be a best practice leader as part of your role, I encourage you to embrace and prioritise this and to be compassionate and brave in the way you coach your team. You will see the impacts for people who draw on your support, your team and yourself so much more clearly than you would by just focusing on training, good plans, or other paperwork tasks.

See MacIntyre's Leadership DNA above, or come and hear more at Bild’s International Positive Behaviour Support Conference where I will be presenting a virtual workshop.

*Beadle-Brown, J., Mansell, J., Ashman, B., Ockenden, J., Iles, R. & Whelton, B. 2014. Practice leadership and active support in residential services for people with intellectual disabilities: an exploratory study. Journal of intellectual disability research; J Intellect Disabil Res, 58 (9), pp. 838-850.

**Deveau, R. & Rickard, G. 2024. Contextual and individual barriers to providing practice leadership by frontline managers in community services for adults with intellectual disabilities: A qualitative study. British journal of learning disabilities, 52 (1), pp. 11-22.

Visual representation of MacIntyre's Leadership DNA

This is the third of a series of blog posts based on the MacIntyre Leadership DNA. You can read the first here and the second here.

Photo of Belinda Bradley

About Belinda Bradley

Belinda is a qualified teacher with several decades of experience across education and social care with autistic people and people with learning disabilities. Belinda has worked for MacIntyre for 10 years, starting as Principal of one of our schools and children’s homes then going on to establish our Positive Behaviour Support approach and currently leading our Best Practice team.

This role includes supporting our whole organisation to be values-led and purpose-driven through embedding our MacIntyre DNA and purpose statement into all aspects of our work.

Belinda is also passionate about the outdoors, in particular mountain environments, both personally and as a place for learning and growth for everyone.